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Crassula ovata or Money Tree


Talking of Bill: The Money Plant promises happiness and prosperity

A Money Plant? It actually exists. Unfortunately, there are no banknotes growing on its branches. But the leaves look like small coins. This has given the plant many positive trivial names. We usually call it Money Plant (Crassula ovata), but in English it is also called Jade Plant, Lucky Plant or Friendship Tree. It is also said that wealth and happiness never run out as long as a Money Plant thrives in the house. This is reason enough to take good care of this houseplant. In addition, the Money Plant as a lucky charm is also a fantastic gift for guests or birthdays. Give it a try!

In Feng Shui, the Money Plant stands for peace and quiet 

The Money Plant (Crassula ovata) has a completely different meaning in Feng Shui. Because of its round growth and leaf shapes, it corresponds to the metal transformation phase, which has more of a Yin character. Yin, however, stands for femininity, softness, passivity and calmness. So, if you stick to Feng Shui and seek peace and quiet, this plant is more likely to be placed in the bedroom. Because in a room that needs a lot of Yang - activity, movement - it would rather be out of place.


Money or rest? You obviously have the choice.


Polluted air? A Money Plant can remedy the situation 

If you consider the meaning of the Money Plant as a guarantee of prosperity and happiness (or calm in Feng Shui) as a superstition, another advantage may convince you. Money Plants (Crassula ovata) are also valuable because they absorb air pollutants through their leaves and purify it. In addition, their fleshy leaves, in which they store water, release moisture into the air and thus increase the climate of well-being. Last but not least, the plants are supposed to be effective against electromagnetic radiation. From this point of view, Money Plants are also good for your health.


Care tips for Money Plants 

The Money Plant likes it bright and warm, but does not love direct sunlight. That's why a semi-shaded location is ideal. As soon as it is warm enough in spring, you can even take it outside, of course to a half-shady place. In autumn, however, it has to get into the house in time because it can't stand frost. Since the Money Plant has an excellent water reservoir, you should only water it sparingly. If you're not sure if it needs water, do the thumb test. If the upper layer of soil is dry, you can water it. In winter it needs very little water. But make sure that the substrate does not dry out completely. A bright, but at the same time cool location is ideal during this period. From April to September the plant gets some cactus fertilizer in the water once a month. About water: Use only tap water (tepid, not fresh) or rainwater.


Blossoming Money Plants? 

Few people know that there are flowering Money Plants (Crassula ovata). Perhaps because the pretty pink or white blossoms are not formed until the plants are around 10 years old. For a Money Plant to develop its luxuriant flower, however, a noticeable temperature difference between the summer and winter months is necessary. Tip: Simply place your Money Plant on your balcony or terrace during the summer months and bring it back into the house at the beginning of autumn. If the plant is old enough, this change is often sufficient to start flowering. In his native South Africa, the flowering season is in the South African winter, between June and August. With us it is in late winter or early spring. Good luck!

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